Advanced* Fee Arbitration: Writing an Effective, Enforceable Award
Advanced* Fee Arbitration: Writing an Effective, Enforceable Award
Thursday, September 12, 2024 (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (PDT)
*If you have not had the Basic Fee Arb Training, please consider watching this Basic Fee Arbitration training video provided by the State Bar Association of California: after which you are welcome to register. You must have had 5+ years in practice to become a fee arbitrator.
Fee arbitrations under the SCCBA Mandatory Fee Arbitration Program succeed in resolving disputes without litigation when the parties perceive the arbitrator(s) acted fairly in deciding their case and prepared a comprehensive and well-reasoned award.
Following a non-binding arbitration, even a party who is dissatisfied with the result is more likely to accept it and not seek a trial de novo if that party believes the arbitrator(s) listened to their position and determined the dispute in a reasoned manner in accordance with the evidence presented and applicable law.
This advanced training program on how to write an effective and enforceable award is designed to assist you in achieving that desired result. A panel of experienced fee arbitrators will provide information on how to prepare to write an enforceable award, reviewing the materials you have received from SCCBA, preparing for the hearing, conducting the hearing, and then writing the award.
*Volunteer Attorney Arbitrators must have practiced for a minimum of 5 years.
Students, Lay Persons with any amount of legal experience, and Practitioners with fewer than 5 years in practice are not eligible.